Four months after the collapse of the Taliban regime, a handful of women journalists, trained by Aina and supported by UNESCO, were the first and only voice to speak up for the silenced majority of Afghan women. Now at the forefront of the women’s movement, those brave and brilliant journalists work in Kabul or in Europe, in media or international organisations, and travel the world to their stories.

Contents of the DVD

Afghanistan Unveiled, 52 minutes
Shadows, 52 minutes

Portraits “If I stand up”
4 portraits of 13 minutes each: Zakia Zaki, Anis & Simin, Malalai Joya and Massouda Jalal.

Kaboul Short Stories
4 short stories, about 4 minutes each. The video presented here, “Solidarity Bakery”, is one of these stories.

Aina Women Filming Group is composed of:
Shakeba Adill, Marie Ayubi, Mehria Azizi, Jamila Emaml, Hatima Hussiani and Gul Makai Ranjba.

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